Alaska vacation days 11-12
The indigenous name of Barrow is Utqiagvik, which translates to “The place where we hunt snowy owls”. Barrow is the northernmost point in the USA, and the northernmost settlement of its size (5,176 population) in the world. The normal temperature in the winter is -50 degrees, and the summer 40 degrees. The sun sets in November and doesn’t rise again until January.
This city is entirely indigenous Inupiat with a subsistence lifestyle. Whaling is still a major part of life here, both in the spring and fall. When they catch a whale, the city has a huge celebration, and the blanket toss is one of the most exciting activities:

Bowhead whales spend most of their lives near sea ice, they do not migrate to warmer waters. They have very thick blubber, up to 1-1/2 feet in thickness. These are considered very large whales, up to 60 feet long, and may weigh as much as 120,000 pounds, with a lifespan similar to humans. Bowheads are slow swimmers, swim with their mouths open and strain zooplankton through their baleen plates.
They regularly break through ice up to two feet thick. The bowheads are of great nutritional and cultural significance for native Inupiats for oil, baleen (filter feeding system inside their mouths), meat and muktuk (skin with blubber).