Livestock and Wildlife

Oshkosh NE – September 2021

One of Mary Jean’s best friends in Nebraska took us through the Oshkosh Heifer Development lot. There are tens of thousands of dairy cattle here!

They come in as young heifers, 350-425 lbs., mostly from Wisconsin dairymen.

Their diets are mostly high-protein forage (triticale, alfalfa, sorghum, grasses). This feed is to grow, not fatten, the heifers.

Just before Artificially Inseminating (AI) them, they are put to stand in the stanchions so they are already stanchion-broke when they return to Wisconsin.

When they are yearlings(+) they are AI’ed with all female-sexed semen – they want cows, not bulls, to replace the milking cows.

They are bred to produce gallons of milk per day, to be milked for 4-5 years, 3 times a day.

About 60 days ahead of calving they are sent back to Wisconsin to birth their calves and start being milked.

Quite an extensive process! Now you know where your milk comes from!
Holsteins (in stanchions).
Black Angus
Brown Swiss
I was very surprised to see Pronghorn Antelope grazing in the field! 4 females with one male.
The male became curious of me taking pictures so he came a little closer.
And closer still.
Mary Jean and her good friend Gwen.
These are wild sunflowers – considered weeds.