Great Lakes Trip 2019 Day 14

Ark Encounter
Williamstown KY

We looked forward to visiting this museum.
This is a reproduction of Noah’s Ark, built to the specifications as God gave Noah in Genesis. Of course, the exact shape and look are artistic representations, since the Bible does not give enough descriptions to understand what the ark actually looked like. But the dimensions are faithful to biblical directions, which are 300 cubits long by 50 cubits wide, or 450 feet long by 75 feet wide. It is massive in person!
Looking up at one end.
Impressive structure.
Again, all the displays are artistic representations of the insides of the ark. Whatever is specifically in the Bible is incorporated into the displays.
Noah and his family worshipping God inside the ark.
Grain and seed storage
This museum does not shy away from the dinosaurs, in fact in my opinion focuses on them too much. They do propose that dinosaurs were on the ark with Noah.
This is a representation of feeding the animals.
There were many good explanations of how biblical perspectives are correct.
The sheer size inside the ark is incredible.
Looking up at some skylights
This contraption is used to twist strands into rope.
We are at ‘The Door”, which is intended to be both a representation of the door that God shut in Noah’s family behind, but also that Jesus Christ is the door to our salvation. There is a very strong emphasis on Christ and the Gospel throughout the museum.
Why the Bible is true
Why the Bible is true
Why the Bible is true
Why the Bible is true
Why the Bible is true
Family living quarters
Vegetation storage and growth
The dove returns…
… with the olive branch.
The rainbow and God’s covenant with Noah.

William Howard Taft Boyhood Home
Cincinnati OH

This was the boyhood home of William Howard Taft, 27th president of the US. President Taft was President Theodore Roosevelt’s hand-picked successor in 1908, and served as president from 1909-1913. Taft lived in this house until he went off to college at age 18. Taft was one of three presidents born within two years of each other. Theodore Roosevelt in 1858, Taft in 1857, and Woodrow Wilson in 1856.
Taft’s family was very active in public life. His father Afonso Taft, was Secretary of War, then Attorney General in President Lincoln’s cabinet. President Taft’s son, would become Senate majority leader as well as a serious candidate for the Republican presidential nomination three times.
Most of the furnishings in the house are not original to the Taft family, but period pieces. However, the desk in the upper left did belong to Alfonso Taft, President Taft’s father.
William Howard Taft at age 3 in 1860. The practice at the time was that children who were not “potty trained” would wear a dress-like gown. Also, boys would have their hair parted on the side, and girls parted in the middle.
Taft did not play the piano, but he did enjoy music, and he was quite a fine dancer despite his very large size – he was 300 pounds! And when he moved into the White House a special bathtub had to be installed to accommodate his size!
The parlor
As president, Taft was a fierce trust-buster, trying to break through large corporate monopolies.
In 1912, former president Theodore Roosevelt decided he was not satisfied with President Taft’s performance, so Roosevelt challenged Taft for the Republican nomination. Taft barely won the nomination, but an angry Roosevelt ran as a third party in the general election, thus splitting the Republican vote and allowing Woodrow Wilson to win the presidency. Roosevelt was the most successful third-party candidate in history, finishing in second place with 88 electoral votes. Combined, Roosevelt and Taft won over 50 percent of the vote.
President Taft was the only president to go on later and serve on the US Supreme Court. In fact, Taft became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Creation Museum
Petersburg KY

The Creation Museum is related to the Ark Encounter. It focuses more on the six days of creation as described in the Bible.
The grounds of the museum are very nice.
Like the Ark Encounter, the Creation Museum puts a lot of focus on dinosaurs.
The museum tries to stay faithful to the Bible.
Explaining how and why the Bible and Human Reason come to different conclusions about creation (and science).
God created the heavens and the earth. Like the Ark Encounter, the Creation Museum uses artistic license to produce displays of biblical events.
Adam and Eve. As we went by each display, the biblical text for the scene was read over the speakers.
The serpent
God clothes Adam and Eve to cover their nakedness.
Man toils the field by the sweat of his brow.
Cain slays Abel.
Methuselah, the oldest man in the Bible, lived 969 years.
The ark on the water.
As the flood waters rose, the people were desperate for salvation. Notice on the top right of the rock, two men fighting
The rainbow, which signified God’s promise that He would never again destroy the world by flood.
Zoom in to read these explanations.
Actual fossilized skull of a allosuarus, one of the most complete allosuarus skulls ever found.
The museum is full of promoting the Gospel, Jesus is God, Lord of all.
God’s sovereignty is Jesus Christ’s sovereignty.

Cincinnati OH

Cincinnati skyline
Paul Brown Stadium, home of the Cincinnati Bengals.
Great American Ballpark
We had dinner at Hofbräuhaus in Newport KY, across the river form Cincinnati. It is a German beer hall, very loud!
Live entertainment. They sing German songs in German! Pretty cool!
Heidelberger Rahm Spätzle (with pulled chicken)
Jäger Spätzle (with beef tips)
Schwarzwälder Kirsch Torte (black forest cake). All the food was delicious!