Pearl Harbor is the most visited site in Hawai’i. This is the where the Japanese attacked the US on December 7, 1941.The Lone Sailor, represents all the men and women who serve, have served or will serve in the US Navy.Anchor recovered from the USS Arizona.USS Arizona Memorial.On one wall of the memorial is a list of all the service members on the USS Arizona who perished during the Japanese attack. There are two smaller markers listing other service members who served, but were not killed on the Arizona. They chose to be entombed with their shipmates upon their own deaths.The remains of the USS Arizona. You can still smell the oil here.Visiting this memorial is a quick, somber event. A shuttle boat takes you out to the memorial, then you have about 15 minutes to quietly walk about, then line up to get back on the next shuttle back to the Pearl Harbor museum.Marker for the USS Nevada.