Looking north on Broadway, the main street in town.Arctic Brotherhood Lodge, built 1900.The Mascot Saloon, built 1898.Richters, built 1910.Lynch & Kennedy Dry Goods Store, built 1900.This Alaskan Fry Bread was very popular with the tourists.Golden North Hotel.This is the most famous brothel in Skagway. There are tours of the upstairs “rooms”.The saloon is still popular.The theater at the Eagles Hall gives two shows a day called “The Days of ’98 Show”, an entertaining “mostly true” story of the early days in Skagway.Prior to the show a couple women give a “performance” in the windows on the second floor.One of the ladies “inviting” us to the show.The show is essentially about conman Jefferson “Soapy” Smith, whose con game caught up with him in the middle of the street where he was shot dead in 1898. An interesting story if you care to look it up.