Although Juneau is usually ranked at the top of the list for most beautiful state capital cities due to the natural beauty all around, the capitol building is often ranked as one of the ugliest in the USA. Pretty much looks like an office building.Statue of former Secretary of State William Seward, who negotiated and completed the acquisition of Alaska from Russia in 1867. At the time it was considered a big waste of money, at a cost of $7 million, or about 2 cents per acre. The purchase cause a great deal opposition, becoming known as “Seward’s Folly”, but the Congress did approve the purchase overwhelmingly.Bear statue outside the capitol.House of Representatives chamber. The Senate chamber was closed for renovation.Alaska became our 49th state in 1959, a few months before Hawaii joined as our 50th state. Quick trivia quiz (don’t Google it!): what state was our 48th?Lobby to the governor’s office.Some beautiful artwork in the capitol. Here is Mt. Denali.