Cool totem pole outside the Sealaska Heritage Museum.Patsy Ann the dog statue. Patsy Ann was a dog in the 1930s who became somewhat of a celebrity greeting people as they arrived off ships. Although deaf from birth, Patsy Ann somehow sensed when an incoming ship was about half mile away, and she always seemed to determine the correct dock the ship would dock at. On one occasion a crowd gathered to meet an incoming ship. Patsy Ann turned and trotted to another dock, and the ship tied up next to the dog. When not welcoming cruisers, she would wander around the town’s shops and offices, where she was welcomed and given treats.Hard Rock Miners sculpture. This sculpture honors the miners who drilled the Alaska-Juneau Goldbelt mine, using compressed-air drills, from 1897 to 1944. The mine’s total output over those years was seven million ounces of gold.