This park is frequently overrun with mosquitos. This sign is funny, but it is serious. Fortunately for me, today was mild. I had a personal mosquito repellant device on me, and I did not see or hear any mosquitos.I stayed on the boardwalk throughout the forest.Water tupelosDwarf palmettosThese are “knees” which are produced by bald cypress trees, These are one of the most famous features of Congaree.Weston LakeWeston Lake, which is an oxbow lake that was formerly a bend in the Congaree River.This is the only “wildlife” I encountered during my entire hike! I did not see (but they are out there!) any woodpeckers, turtles, snakes or alligators.More bald cypress and their knees.More bald cypress and their knees.More bald cypress and their knees.More bald cypress and their knees.There are trails, and also camping sites.Water tupelosSwitch caneMore bald cypress and their knees.Water tupelosWater tupelosMore bald cypress and their knees.Close up of a couple kneesLoblolly pines