Whitefish Point Coast Guard Station in the early morning as we left. Lake Superior winds blew very loudly all night long, even though there was no storm – just wind, lots of wind! It sounded like a blizzard!This bumper sticker is pretty funny. We know what they mean.Dawn over Lake Superior.Lake SuperiorLake SuperiorLake Michigan. Both of us have seen Lake Michigan before, numerous times. In fact this was the only Great Lake we had seen prior to this trip. No one was around who we could ask to take our picture, so we had to do two singles…… this view of Lake Michigan is in Manistique MI.Lake MichiganManistique East Breakwater Lighthouse on Lake Michigan.We didn’t see any real live moose(s), but we saw these…… this one was wearing a tuxedo!Lake MichiganLake MichiganLake MichiganLake MichiganGreen BayGreen BayGreen BayLambeau Field, Green Bay WI – legendary home of the Green Bay Packers.Lambeau FieldLambeau FieldWe made it to Milwaukee to Trena’s (Mary Jean’s sister-in-law)! Here we all are: me, Trena, Rick (Trena’s son), Adrian (Rick’s daughter) and Mary Jean. We had a relaxing overnight visit with a steak cookout, and late night talking about the good old days.Rick and Mary Jean