Historic St. John’s Church

Richmond, Virginia

Historic St. John’s church, originally built in 1741, is the site where Patrick Henry gave his famous “Liberty or Death” speech in March 23, 1775, which helped convince those in attendance to begin preparing Virginia’s troops for war against Great Britain. The most famous lines from the speech are:

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

This speech cemented Patrick Henry’s reputation as the premiere speaker in all the American colonies. He later became the first governor of Virginia after American independence. A fascinating figure worth further study.

Historic St. John’s Church today.
This is the only part of the church that existed in 1775, and is where Patrick Henry gave his speech during the Second Virginia Convention.
Patrick Henry gave the speech here, in the front of this sanctuary.
Patrick Henry’s pew.
Our tour guide Andrew was fantastic, offering excellent historical details.
Grave of George Wythe – the first law professor in America; teacher of Thomas Jefferson, John Randolph and John Marshall; “first” Virginia signer of the Declaration of Independence (I leave it to you to learn why I put “first” in quotation marks!)
The entire church yard is filled with graves. There are even graves underneath the church floor – some stacked three deep! Many of these graves date to the 1700s.
Interesting story about the reason for these graves that look like tables. They were laid in this manner to prevent the livestock from grazing the grave.
Grave of Eliza Poe, mother of Edgar Allen Poe