Boston, Massachusetts

The Massachusetts State House in Boston is a spectacular building! The majestic exterior with the gold dome, and the interior with multiple colors of marble, and the historic portraits and statues all combine to make this building almost overwhelming to take in.

Massachusetts State House (state capitol building)
Statue of Daniel Webster on the grounds.
Looking up at the rotunda.
The Pilgrims on the Mayflower mural.
John Eliot Preaching to the Indians mural.
The Return of the Colors mural.
Concord Bridge mural.
Bust of President John Adams.
Former Governor John Hancock
Former Governor John Winthrop
Bust of former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis
Memorial to Army Nurses.
A kneeling nurse tends to an injured soldier during the Civil War.
This is for OUR Army nurse – Kayla!
House chamber
Second floor
First floor rotunda
Hall of flags